Swimming at the pool is almost a time-honored tradition during the hottest months of the year. As with anything, safety should be at the forefront of everyone's mind, particularly during...
In this day and age, social media can make it feel like you are the only person on Earth with blemishes, dark spots, or scarring. Influencers and celebrities on social...
When it comes to our little ones, we try to do our best to keep them safe from everything. However, somethings are unavoidable, take the sun for example! It can be...
Welcome back, our soon-to-be bronzed Goddesses (as well as Gods, and everyone in between), summertime is officially here! Do you know what that means? Yes, fun in the sun (duh) but...
With the summer season rapidly approaching, we must talk about sunscreen - and the importance of it - once again. With seemingly endless sun and fun-filled days ahead of us,...
It has certainly been a crazy year - one where togetherness took on a whole new meaning. In place of girlfriends gathering, in came zoom meetings and, of course, podcasts....