Top 4 Sexiest Cruelty-Free Red Lipsticks

Top 4 Sexiest Cruelty-Free Red Lipsticks

The festive season is upon us once again. A time of togetherness, great food, building wonderful memories, and, of course, looking fabulous! The cosmetic industry is massive, and everyone will...

CBD oil for skincare

CBD For Skincare: The Newest Trend In Beauty

More and more, science is uncovering surprising health and beauty benefits of Cannabidiol (CBD) the compound found in marijuana. It’s even gained a celebrity following, with Emma Roberts, Melissa McCarthy...

best bath bombs

5 Best Bath Bombs for Sensitive Skin

There’s nothing like a gorgeous smelling bath bomb to make your nightly bath or shower into something cozy and a little luxurious. Though bath bombs are full of healthy oils and...

Seriously FAB Phyrra Courtney Nawara

Seriously FAB with Phyrra

Our Seriously FAB Q & A series continues with a very special guest today, Courtney Nawara of! We've been using this savvy gal as a resource for years and she's definitely one...

Anti-Aging Skin Care Routine

Best Vitamin C Serums for Your Skin Care Routine

There's is no denying that Vitamin C is one of the single most important ingredients when it comes to skincare. The antioxidant contains zinc to protect your skin from free radicals and...