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Winter Skincare Tips for Skiers and Snowboarders

skin care tips for skiers

Who’s ready to hit the slopes!? With winter weather just on the horizon, your skin will need some special love and care. For winter sport enthusiasts, this comes with extra concern as UV radiation exposure increases 4 – 5% with every 1,000 feet above sea level.

It’s tempting to think while we’re bundled up, it’s less important to take care of our skin. If you spend a lot of time outdoors in the winter, however, you’ll need to take extra care of your skin.

Importance of Sun Protection In Winter

Skincare is just as important in winter as in summer. Most people forget to take care of their skin during the winter months, which puts them at higher risk for sunburn and skin damage. The sun is very bright on snow, and with the drop in vitamin D from the shorter days, you may find your skin extra sensitive. Extra layers and the dry heat from indoor heating can also cause dry skin, which increases cracking and discoloration.

Skincare Checklist For Skiers

How do you keep your skin healthy during those long hours on the slopes? Skincare for the slopes is a little different from skincare on the beach, but this handy checklist will help keep your skin glowing and healthy.

Hydrate and Moisturize

One of the major risks to your skin is a lack of moisture. Harsh winds and dry indoor heating can lead to skin damage, including wrinkles, discoloration, and flaking. Stay hydrated with an enriching daily facial moisturizer daily and a hydrating facial mist. Make sure to reapply before you head out. And remember to drink plenty of water on the slopes.

Sunscreen For Winter

During winter, sunscreen can be even more important than in summer. The glare off the white snow means the sun can get intense, even when the heat isn’t. Protect yourself and your skin with a strong SPF sunscreen, especially on your cheeks, which is where you’re most likely to be exposed. To simplify reapplying sunscreen even when you’re bundled up, use a sunscreen mist like ZINC IT OVER to give you broad spectrum coverage.

Protecting Your Lips

You may think bundling with a scarf is protection enough, but friction and too much trapped moisture can cause as much chapping as sun exposure and dry winds. Choose a lip balm with high SPF, and Vitamin C, A, and D for added skin protection.

Proper Eye Care

Did we mention the glare on those slopes? A sunny day skiing can be dangerous for your eyes. It’s not necessarily skin-related, but snow-blindness can be very real, and disorienting, and hours spent squinting over the snowy hills can strain your eyesight, not to mention add to your crow's feet and under-eye wrinkles! Remember to pack a strong pair of sunglasses to keep the glare away.

Other Considerations

Of course, our checklist is mainly about skincare. But when you’re on the slopes, there’s more to remember.

  • Always pack a first aid kit, so you can prepare for the worst.
  • Remember extra hand cream, and specialized foot creams, since your hands and feet can take a lot of punishment out there.
  • Pack snacks and water bottles, since you’re going to need to stay hydrated, and keep your energy up. A healthy diet is essential for good skincare, too!
  • The best protection for your skin in the winter is to stay covered up. If you’re skiing enough for a workout, you’ll be sweating, and exposed skin will freeze even faster. Remember to pack extra layers in case of spills on the slopes that leave you cold.

Lastly, when it comes to skin safety, after a hard day on the slopes, try to avoid long soaks. It sounds counter-intuitive, but bathing actually robs your skin of its natural oils. A quick hot shower should give you what you need to warm up, and clean up, without risking damage to your skin. Remember to moisturize every time you leave the shower, especially in the winter.

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