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3 Shocking Beauty Secrets The Industry Is Hiding


beauty industry beauty secrets

The beauty industry is a multi-billion global industry that encompasses everything from skincare to makeup. It’s an industry that will only continue to grow larger and larger each year since beauty products are practically a daily necessity for many consumers across the globe. Both men and women continue to purchase their favorite skincare and beauty products, which translates to continuous revenue growth each year. But the beauty industry isn’t very transparent, often hiding many things from its consumers.

Here are a few secrets that the beauty industry doesn’t want you to know about:

• SPF levels aren’t always accurate
The sun’s harmful UV rays can really damage your skin, causing things like sunburn, blisters, premature aging and more severe conditions like skin cancer. This is why many opt to use beauty products that contain SPF to protect their skin and lessen their chances of experiencing any of aforementioned conditions. However, the SPF levels on the bottles aren’t always accurate. Johnson & Johnson was recently under investigation in New Zealand after consumer complaints regarding their true SPF levels surfaced. The label on their Neutrogena Sensitive Skin SPF 60+ had significantly less SPF than the label claimed. So don’t always trust the SPF on the label and research brands that are transparent about their SPF levels!

• They still test on animals
Testing on animals isn’t banned in the beauty industry (even though it should be). Many big brands such as Avon, L'Oreal, and Garner Nutrisse still use animals to test their products, which is why so many brands choose to market themselves as “cruelty-free” because they know consumers want ethical skincare and makeup choices. The fact that animal testing is still allowed is a disgrace to the beauty industry, yet so many brands still do it. Some companies maintain a “no animal testing” policy in the U.S. but do it in countries where it is required to sell products such as China. Ethics are easily tossed aside in exchange for revenue. Do your research to find which companies have said no to this cruel practice.

• Products laden with chemicals
Although many brands have chosen to do away with harmful ingredients in their products, there are some that still allow harsh chemicals in their formulas. These chemicals can be absorbed into your skin, causing internal damage, as well as exterior conditions like acne, rashes and more. Always look at the label to see what sort of things your favorite beauty brands are putting in their products!

ZINC IT OVER® is a skincare brand that is as transparent as can be! Our SPF sunscreen levels are exactly what is shown on the label. Also, we don’t test on animals and our Non-Nano Zinc Oxide Sunscreen Facial Mist isn’t filled with any toxic chemicals. Add ZINC IT OVER® to your natural skin care routine today!


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