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A-List Actor Talks Skin Cancer and Sunscreen Use

Hugh Jackson talks skin cancer and sunscreen.

Hugh Jackman Speaks Out About The Importance of Sunscreen

It’s always a nice change from the typical TMZ gossip when a celebrity uses their voice to speak out on serious issues that affect all of us (can I get an AMEN?!).

Over the last couple of weeks, “Logan” star, Hugh Jackman has been speaking out about his struggles with skin cancer. The Australian actor most recently appeared on a segment of “Live with Kelly,” in which he urged his fans to not only wear sunscreen but to also get regular check-ups. Jackman has also taken to social media channels including Twitter and Instagram to spread awareness of the disease and has been working to educate children on how the sun’s UV rays can damage your skin.


“1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer at some point in their lives”

– JAMA Dermatology

According to, skin cancer is the most common form of cancer and accounts for nearly half of all cancers in the United States. The damaging effects of the sun can affect anyone and include celebrities like Brooke Shields, Ewan McGregor, John McCain, Khloe Kardashian and much more.

Skin cancer is one of the fastest-growing cancers in the US. It’s one of the more common types of cancer among young people, and it risks grow exponentially with age. The best way to protect yourself from this growing problem is to stay informed.

Types of Skin Cancers

There are three major types of skin cancer. Melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. These are the most common types and are named after the cells where cancer first appears.

Of these, the vast majority of skin cancers are basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas. These are unlikely to spread to other parts of the body. They should still be treated as early as possible to avoid disfiguring.

Malignant melanomas are a growing cancer concern. They are highly aggressive and spread rapidly to other parts of the body.


Skin cancers usually first appear as blemishes or brown spots on the skin. There are different types of spots depending on the cancer.

Nodular melanoma is highly dangerous forms of melanoma that show up as raised immediately and have an even coloring, often red or pink. In some cases, nodular melanomas show up as brown or black.

Basal cell carcinomas are the most common type of skin cancer and show up on the skin as legions of red, pale, or purely, dry skin. It’s most commonly found on the head, neck, and upper torso.

Squamous cell carcinoma is slower-moving cancer, growing its legions over a period of months. It shows up on spots most common sun exposed areas. It shows up as thickened, scaly or crusty skin.

If you’re noticing that your freckles or moles or spreading or increasing, it’s worth it to keep an eye on. Most regular moles are harmless, and won’t form into cancer. But an irregular mole, such as one with an irregular shape and fuzzy borders, can become cancer if you’re not careful. Most people have a few abnormal moles, and some, like redheads or those with sensitive skin, can have as many as 100!

Recent research shows the number of skin cancer in the US is growing. Stay informed by using the ABCDE rule. When looking at moles and blemishes, look for:

A= Asymmetry
B= borders that are uneven
C= color that is uneven or unusual
D= spots are larger than 7 mm.
E – has the mole evolved or changed over time?

Causes of Skin Cancer

The most common cause of skin cancer is ultraviolet light exposure, most common from sunlight. Tanning booths, or exposure to unusually high levels of radiation, like X-Rays, also increase your risk. So does immunosuppression medication for other conditions.

You can help prevent skin cancer by protecting your skin in the sun. Always use sunscreen, and avoid the temptation of tanning beds. Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers among young people, but the risk factors will increase with age, especially if you are prone to serious sunburns.

Did you know?

More than 90% of skin cancers are caused by sun exposure which means many cases of skin cancer are preventable! Here are our top tips for staying sun savvy:

  • Avoid direct sun exposure between the hours of 10am-4pm when the sun’s rays are the most intense.
  • Love the skin you’re in! Don’t feel the need to tan or use a tanning booth.
  • Apply ZINC IT OVER™ 15 minutes before going outside and don’t forget to reapply every 2 hours!
  • Self-exam at least once a month to check for skin abnormalities and get a professional exam every year.
  • Use protective accessories like UV blocking sunglasses, hats and umbrellas.
  • Chill in the shade when outdoors.
  • Do not take babies under 6 months out in the sun, sunscreens are only safe for over 6 months of age!
  • Invest in UV protection films for your car windows.

Treating Skin Cancer

Skin cancer treatment for basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma begins with surgery to remove the lesions and tumors. If surgery is not an option for some reason, radiation therapy is another option. In advanced cases of melanoma, immune therapy, vaccines, and chemotherapy may be suggested, if other treatments have proven ineffective.

While we are discussing the issue of skin cancer, I would also like to address a highly thought misconception; and that is the belief that darker skin tones are not at risk for skin cancer. This is a dangerous myth because anyone can get skin cancer! Yes, darker skin tones are less likely because of the natural melanin, however, when there is a diagnosis, it is often more aggressive and deadly.  

Skin cancers are some of the most aggressive and dangerous forms of cancer. And they can strike at any age. The best protection is prevention, with strong sunscreen and precautions taken in high-risk or outdoor work environments. You should also be staying vigilant - early detection is critical. Be on the lookout for irregular moles or strange coloring, that can become cancerous later on. Take good care of your skin, and you’ll lower your risk for skin cancer.

It is our goal at Seriously FAB to educate you on the importance of skin protection and empower you by providing effective and chemical-free skincare products you can trust. We exist to “Shake Up” the organic skincare sector by designing fun, innovative and effective products that are convenient and easy to use for active women.

Our “Over Makeup” Sunscreen Facial Mist

Our zinc-based sunscreen, ZINC IT OVER®, was formulated “For Use Over Makeup,” so you don’t have to sacrifice looking great for dependable skin protection… With ZINC IT OVER®, you can have it ALL! You can also feel good about the ingredients found in this special formula; packed with antioxidants and natural botanicals, you can rest assured that your skin will stay healthy and hydrated. ZINC IT OVER® truly is the best Zinc sunscreen on the market!

If you have any questions regarding skincare or suncare, feel free to contact us! Take our short survey below to see how sun savvy you are!

  1. How often do you wear sunscreen when you go outside?
  • Never- 0 points
  • Sometimes-3 points
  • Always- 6 points
  1. Do you reapply your sunscreen every 2 hours?
  • Never- 0 points
  • Sometimes- 3 points
  • Always- 6 points
  1. When was the last time you did a self-exam to check your skin?
  • Over 1 year ago- 0 points
  • 3-6 month ago- 3 points
  • 1-3 months ago- 6 points
  1. Do you like to sunbathe or relax in the shade?
  • I’m a sun goddess- 0 points
  • I’m a sun goddess but use sunscreen- 3 points
  • Chill in the shade (with a glass of lemonade)- 6 points

OK, add up your points and see how you did!





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