how to hydrate your skin

All About Hydrating Your Skin: What, How, and Why

Hydrating your skin is all about increasing it's water content. A dehydrated complexion might be characterized as flaky, dull, and dry. Hydrated skin is supple, healthy-looking, and uniform in color. You...

dangers of tanning

The Dangers of Indoor and Outdoor Tanning

DYK, indoor tanning causes more skin cancer than smoking causes lung cancer? Tanning is similar to smoking in that it's effects are cumulative. This means, even infrequent use of tanning beds might...

Simple Tips for Achieving an Even Skin Tone

Simple Tips for Achieving an Even Skin Tone

In this day and age, social media can make it feel like you are the only person on Earth with blemishes, dark spots, or scarring. Influencers  and celebrities on social...

 what does reef safe or reef friendly mean

What is Reef-Safe or Reef-Friendly Sunscreen?

Reef-safe. This term has been getting thrown around like confetti over the last couple of years. But, what do the terms ‘reef-friendly' or ‘reef-safe' mean?” Great question! Now that the summertime season...

2021 summer beauty trends

6 Summer Beauty Trends to Start Now

Yaaasssss, ladies (and gents) it is about time to embrace that summer glow again! As we all know, summer, as amazing as it is, brings with it sun damage from...

8 Skincare Podcasts to Glow Up With this Year

8 Skincare Podcasts to Glow Up With this Year

It has certainly been a crazy year - one where togetherness took on a whole new meaning. In place of girlfriends gathering, in came zoom meetings and, of course, podcasts....