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These Are The Best Exercises for Glowing Skin

benefits of exercise for skin

Exercise comes with all kinds of benefits. Beyond keeping your body fit and healthy, it’s also great for battling depression, SAD, and insomnia. But did you know that exercise is also good for your skin? That post-workout glow when you’ve worked up a sweat is more than just the endorphins. The right exercise works wonders for your skin health.

Here are just a few of the ways exercise can help you achieve younger and healthier skin.

  1. Bring On The Sweat
    When you sweat, your pores flush out toxins that lead to blemishes. The more you sweat, the clearer your skin. Just be sure to rinse well after a good hard sweat. Always shower right after a workout, and never go to the gym with makeup, to avoid clogged pores.
  2. Wrinkle Reduction
    Cortisol is a stress hormone. The more stressed you are, the more cortisol is produced. Exercise helps you burn off excess cortisol, leading to a better mood, and a healthier mindset. As it turns out, cortisol also impacts skin elasticity, and can even cause breakouts. Exercise helps you maintain healthier cortisol levels, and improve skin elasticity, helping you to fight off wrinkles.
  3. Even Toned Skin
    Not only does the exercise that cuts your cortisol levels down help to keep you glowing, but it also protects against redness, breakouts, and UV skin damage. That post-workout glow we all love comes from aerobic exercise, which causes your skin to receive a healthy dose of oxygenated blood. That helps repair damaged skin, and keep your skin healthy and supple.
  4. Muscle Tone
    Your skin is the largest organ in your body. Like everything else, it works better the more you tone up. The firmer your muscles, the firmer your skin will look. This may also protect against cellulite.

Which Exercise Works For Healthier Skin
So now that you see the benefits of exercise, how do you get the full effect? All exercise is good for skin, but the best exercises for beautiful glowing skin can be found right here.

  • Cardio: Cardio is great for oxygenation, which is great for healthy, glowing, skin. It helps improve your circulation in more ways than one. It’s great for your heart, and for evenly-toned skin. So hop on the treadmill, or hit the bike trails!
  • Yoga: Yoga improves balance, flexibility, and peace of mind. All great things to cut down on stress, and improve elasticity in your skin.
  • HIIT Training: Switching it up between high-intensity and toning exercises can have a huge impact on your skin. Like cardio, it increases circulation and oxygenation. Additionally, it boosts your collagen production, protecting against fine lines, wrinkles and skin damage.
  • Running: Running is about building up a sweat over time. As mentioned, the more you sweat, the better you'll be able to flush out toxins and clean out dirt and oils.

Always be sure to take care of your skin as you work out. Whether that means rinsing properly afterward or wearing sunscreen during a run. Exercise and broad-spectrum sunscreen are both excellent ways to prevent premature aging. They are vital aspects of keeping your skin glowing for years to come.

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