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3 Ways to Naturally Detox Your Skin

naturally detox your skin

We've all felt the need to detox once in a while. But when we're searching for the right cleanse, we forget about our skin. Our skin is our first line of defense and oftentimes, is exposed to even more toxins than our insides. Exposing your skin to harsher chemicals isn't going to give you the fresh, healthy look and feel you need. A detox should be as natural as possible.

These three methods are the most common ways to detox your skin at home. Try one of these methods the next time you're looking for healthy, glowing skin.

1. Dry Brushing

The first and easiest way to get a good, natural clean detox is by brush. Exfoliating creams help if you have something natural on hand, but if you suffer from sensitive skin, this can often be the best way to scrub your face. It's also the best method for hands and feet, which suffer from a lot of dry or flaking skin.

Dry Brushing Benefits

Dry brushing is great for removing dead skin and improves blood circulation to the skin. It also stimulates the lymphatic system and reduces cellulite.


Dry brushing is simple. It involves taking a dry exfoliating brush to your skin, directing the strokes toward your heart. It should always be done before you shower, so your skin is dry. The area should turn pink, but be careful it doesn't turn red. Use a brush with natural bristles, not nylon, and avoid any sites with rashes, healing wounds, or anywhere else that can spread infection. Don't brush the skin on your face unless the brush specifies it is for facial use.

2. Detox Baths

Detox baths are designed to pull all the toxins from your skin, either by soaking or by washing yourself in it. Different detox baths have different properties, but they all have detox properties.

Best Detox Baths

Epsom salt is a popular way to scrub away dead skin and cleans the body. Green tea carries antioxidant properties that can cleanse the skin, and keep it healthy and safe from infection. Apple cider vinegar, while not recommended for sensitive skin, can help keep skin clear.


Detox baths are healthy, but you shouldn't overdo it in the bathtub. No matter how relaxing, the best detox baths should last no longer than 30 minutes.

3. Hot Oil Massage

Hot oil massages have a lot of benefits. They stimulate circulation, help with relaxation and lead to smoother and cleaner skin. Additionally, it can even help you sleep better.

Make Your Own Oil

Mix equal parts virgin coconut oil, almond oil, and virgin olive oil with two or three drops of your favorite essential oil. Warm to make a hot oil for use at home.

Your skin holds a lot of toxins. As much or more as the food you eat, it can have huge impacts on your health. Keep your skin healthy the natural way, with these three detox methods. They're natural, simple, and can be done at home, so you can always count on beautiful, glowing skin.

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