zinc sunscreen protection

5 Amazing Ways Zinc Sunscreen Protects Your Skin

Nothing compares to the power of Zinc Sunscreen, regardless of the many products on the market, when it comes to protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. While Zinc has...

skin healthy salads

5 Simple Salads That Will Boost Your Skin

5 Simple Salads that are a Win for Your Skin! Hey, Seriously FAB friends! Now, don’t get me wrong, anytime is a great time for a salad, but there’s just...

Hugh Jackman on skin cancer and sunscreen.

A-List Actor Talks Skin Cancer and Sunscreen Use

Hugh Jackman Speaks Out About The Importance of Sunscreen It’s always a nice change from the typical TMZ gossip when a celebrity uses their voice to speak out on serious issues that...